
The T'Kint agency covers all kinds of restoration, rehabilitation and design projects in the fields of architecture, programming, planning and landscaping.

Our approach

Natalie T'kint is a qualified heritage architect and graduate of the Centre d'Etude de Chaillot and Centre de Raymond Lemaire in Louvin-la-Neuve, Belgium. She is professionally engaged in the passionate debate about heritage architecture and the design of historically important buildings in the city, as characterized by:

  • The richness of her architect's palette in work on heritage architecture, ranging from rehabilitation projects to urban public spaces.
  • Her ability to communicate and to ensure the legibility of architectural projects in constant dialogue with project owners.

The work of Nathalie T'kint and her approach to it contributes to the development of a heritage culture through numerous projects and designs. Her agency focuses on form, design and respect for heritage buildings that are etched in the collective memory, such as the Hôpital Scrive which became an extension to the Préfecture du Nord.